Meet an #ActualLivingScientist from the Nordics
Today is the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Meet some of the female scientists from around the Nordics who have taken to twitter to introduce themselves and their science to the world.
Scientists around the world have been taking to twitter using the hashtag #ActualLivingScientist to introduce themselves and their science to the rest of the world.
Twitter is flooded with messages from men and women of all fields of research, from biology, ecology, mathematics, climate science, geology, and more.
Many are tweeting in response to political developments in the US following the now infamous “alternative facts” of US President Trump’s counsellor, Kellyanne Conway.
The hashtag is also building momentum in the run up to the Scientists March on Washington on April 22 and sister marches confirmed for the same day in cities around the US and elsewhere in Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK to name a few.
But many are simply hoping that the hash-tag will serve as a virtual meet and great to reach people who may not otherwise have the chance to get to know scientists within their circle of friends.
Science communication in a hash-tag
For Helle Astrid Kjær, a glaciologist from the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark, the hashtag is a great excuse to showcase research from far and wide.
“To my understanding it was initially a response to the Trump government statements on "alternative facts.”. But I like it just because it shows how much great research is being done today,” says Kjær, who regularly uses twitter to communicate her research to colleagues around the world.
“I hope that regular people will check out the hashtag and be intrigued. The format of a short text saying what you work on and some nice pictures could help [scientists] reach a wider community without going into lots of detail. Maybe this is a good way to give them an idea of the ongoing research,” she says.
Meet the #ActualLivingScientists
To celebrate UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we have collated tweets from female #ActualLivingScientists.
All of whom work or study at universities and research institutions throughout the Nordics.
Helle Astrid Kjær, a glaciologist and post doc at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
Im an #actuallivingscientist #DressLikeAWoman ask me about #icecores , chemistry , #climatechange and #paleoclimate #ice2ice pic.twitter.com/7UlStyZ3WP
— Helle Astrid Kjær (@H_A_Kjaer) February 7, 2017
Kristin Aleklett, a postdoc in microbial biology at Lund University, Sweden:
When you're an #actuallivingscientist studying #fungi in #microfluidicsystems you know you'd better #DressLikeAWoman pic.twitter.com/mfiXHX0kYY
— Kristin Aleklett (@KAleklett) February 7, 2017
Anja Rösel, a postdoc in sea ice physics at the Norwegian Polar Institute:
Studying sea ice in the Arctic. Or call me climate scientist. #actuallivingscientist #DressLikeAWoman pic.twitter.com/B9uTC0nvYD
— Anja Rösel (@anja_rose) February 5, 2017
Chloé Yeung, a postdoc studying ageing processes at the Institute of Sports Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
Me: #actuallivingscientist who studies how to reset the #tendon #circadianclock to improve #musculoskeletal #ageing and I #DressLikeAWoman pic.twitter.com/m0GIBwc6ni
— Chloé Yeung (@ccstorytime) February 8, 2017
Erika Rosengren, curator at Lund University Historical Museum, Sweden:
I curate the bones of ancient people and animals from southern Sweden, with a particular fondness for large bovines #actuallivingscientist
— Erika Rosengren (@RosengrenErika) February 4, 2017
Hanna Kauko, a marine biologist from Finland, working at Norwegian Polar Institute:
Studying #light and #algae on #Arctic pack ice - requires proper field gear! #DressLikeAWoman #actuallivingscientist pic.twitter.com/OYl9WlZ5T6
— Hanna Kauko (@HannaKauko) February 6, 2017
Frances Deegan, a geologist from Ireland working at Uppsala University, Sweden:
Hello, I'm Frances, an #actuallivingscientist. I study volcanoes old and young in places like the Arctic and Indonesia using geochemistry. pic.twitter.com/jGjdXkh84r
— Frances Deegan (@FMDeegan) February 5, 2017
Aga Nowak, biochemist based at The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Norway, and Sheffield University, UK:
I'm a hydrologist, biogeochemist, oceanographer. I research Arctic & Antarctic climate change impacts. I'm #actuallivingscientist & a woman pic.twitter.com/KZYuRvQoAY
— Aga Nowak (@_AgaNowak) February 5, 2017
Ruth Mottram, climate scientist at The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI):
I'm an #actuallivingscientist modelling #Arctic #climate + #greenland #icesheet. Used to be mostly field, today mostly computer #ice2ice pic.twitter.com/NygprxDyOm
— Ruth Mottram (@ruth_mottram) February 9, 2017
Hermoine Jean Venter, staff scientist at GenØk – Centre for Biosafety, UiT the Arctic University of Norway:
I am an #actuallivingscientist currently studying environmental sources of antibiotic resistance, while I #DressLikeAWoman #GenØk pic.twitter.com/SQdKAEXByD
— Hermoine Jean (@hermoine_venter) February 4, 2017
Pinja Kettunen, a PhD student studying physiology at the University of Helsinki, Finland:
Hi! I'm an illustrator, biology major and an #actuallivingscientist. I study the development of the inner ear in the #universityhelsinki. pic.twitter.com/ZnkiMKTY6O
— Pinja Kettunen (@bigartisteArt) February 7, 2017
Lena Rubensdotter, a geologist at the Norwegian Geological Survey:
#actuallivingscientist..- yes, that is me.. lover of #landslides -maker of #maps, Outside summer - computers in winter.. allways curious! pic.twitter.com/P8nb17gSxi
— Lena Rubensdotter (@LenaRubensdoter) February 10, 2017
And last but not least is this author.
Catherine Jex, a palaeoclimatologist now a science journalist at ScienceNordic.com and Videnskab.dk, in Denmark:
I'm Cath an #actuallivingscientist, once studying cave formations to investigate how climate changed in the past, now a sci journalist! pic.twitter.com/epLxdjnWxW
— Catherine Jex (@CathJex) February 10, 2017
But is this virtual meet a scientist working? Well it has made one twitter user happy at least:
Thanks to the #actuallivingscientist hashtag, I've started following a ton of scientists. I recommend everyone do the same. Such positivity!
— Blake Corbishley (@blakecorbishley) February 8, 2017
Join in and share your own tweet
If you are an #ActualLivingScientist then feel free to add a link to your own tweet in the comment feed at the end of this article.
And if you are an #ActualLivingScientist in Denmark then be sure to sign up for the Danish Science Festival Book a Scientist Scheme for an opportunity to meet and greet with interested citizens in real life.
Read more about the Book a Scientist Scheme: Danish Scientists go back to School
External links
- Helle Astrid Kjær
- Kristin Aleklett
- Anja Rösel
- Chloé Yeung
- Erika Rosengren
- Hanna Kauko
- Frances Deegan
- Aga Nowak
- Hermoine Jean Venter
- Pinja Kettunen
- Lena Rubensdotter